The second day of the Inaugural Conference of the third edition was dedicated to the EU enlargement.
The morning of 11 March 2022 was indeed the occasion for a round table entitled ‘Italy and the Balkans: The Prospects of the Path of Accession to the European Union’, organized in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Introduced by Prof. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of European Union Law, DSG UniSa) and moderated by Dr. Andrea Cascone (Director for Adriatic and Balkans – Directorate General for Europe and International Trade Policy – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation), it saw the participation of Dr. Zef Mazi (Chief Negotiator with the EU, Albania), Dr. Edin Dilberović (Director of the Directorate for the European Integration, Bosnia-Herzegovina), Dr. Bojan Marichic (Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, North Macedonia), Dr. Zorka Kordić (Chief Negotiator with the EU, Montenegro), Dr. Florim Canolli (Director of Development Cooperation Office – Office of the Prime Minister, Kosovo) and Dr. Miroslav Gačević (Assistant Minister, Ministry of European Integration, Serbia).
The roundtable was conducted in the form of Q&A by Albanian and Italian students, academics, and representatives of civil society.
An album full of pictures of second conference day (morning) of 11 March 2022 is now available on EUWEB’s Facebook account, at the link:
A file comprehensive of the questions asked by the audience to the panelists of the roundtable can be found at the link:
A detailed description (IT/EN) of the objectives and the content of the speeches brought to your attention during the same day is available at the link: