EUWEB Legal Essays publishes two online issues per year (winter and summer) of articles exploring particularly the external dimension of immigration, the fight against transnational crime, judicial and police cooperation, and the protection of fundamental rights, promoting a multidisciplinary approach in legal studies.

EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives is:

Open access: To guarantee the widest possible readership, the articles are available free of charge on the EUWEB website.

Peer-reviewed: Submissions undergo rigorous double-blind peer reviews by the Reviewing Committee that includes highly qualified members of the world’s scientific community.

Multidisciplinary: Committed to promoting a multidisciplinary approach in legal research.

Multilingual: Committed to promoting linguistic diversity by publishing articles in English, French, Italian, and Spanish.

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Democracy and European Citizenship in the EU – EUVADIS’ Conference

EUWEB would like to share its appreciation to the promoters of the “EU Values, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue: Enhancing the debate” - Session 3, "Democracy and European Citizenship in the EU" - Jean Monnet Project EUVadis. The event…

EUWEB Leader, Teresa Russo to attend JPM EUVaDis’ Conference – 21 April 2021

EUWEB's Module Leader, Prof. Teresa Russo, with a presentation titled "The Democratic Principles in EU Legal Order: A Reality or a Challenge?" will be guest speaker at Session 3 "Democracy and European Citizenship in the EU" as part of the Conference…

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