Final Conference of the Jean Monnet Module EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs (EUWEB), 2nd Edition
On Wednesday 23 June 2021 at 2:45 PM on the platform “Microsoft Teams”, the Final Conference of the 2nd of the Jean Monnet Module “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs” (EUWEB) took place. EUWEB Module is a Specialized High Training Course coordinated by Prof. Teresa Russo (Module Leader), together with the Proff. Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia (Key Teaching Members).
The event ended the cycle of training courses carried out weekly from March to June 2021, on the topics of immigration, asylum, border control, fight against transnational crime, police and judicial cooperation as well as the protection of fundamental rights with a view to the future accession of the Western Balkans to the Union. The 2nd edition included specific insights concerning the impact of the current health emergency, as well as information and communication technologies.
The Final Conference, structured in three sessions that reflect the thematic and research areas of the Course, started with the welcoming speeches of the Rector of the University of Salerno, Prof. Vincenzo Loia, and of Profs. Giovanni Sciancalepore (Head of Department of Legal Sciences), Francesco Fasolino (President of the Didactic Council of the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno) and Angela Di Stasi (Full Professor of International and EU Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, Director of the Observatory on the “European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice”).
The first session (Cross-border security, Migration and Asylum Management, h. 3:45) was chaired by Professor Lina Panella (Full Professor of International Law, Department of Law, University of Messina) and introduced by Professor Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of European Union Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno). The session was enriched by the reflections of Dr. Cristina Correale (Judge at the Department of Migration and Asylum Law of the Tribunal of Naples, European Asylum Support Office (EASO) Judicial Trainer) and Prof. Christopher Hein (Lecturer of Immigration & Asylum Law and Policies, Department of Political Sciences and School of Government, University “LUISS Guido Carli” of Rome).
Then, the second session (Fight Against Transnational Crime and Protection of Fundamental Rights, h. 3:55) was chaired by Prof. Luigi Daniele (Full Professor of EU Law, Faculty of Law, University “Tor Vergata” of Rome) and introduced by Prof. Anna Oriolo (Associate Professor of International Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno). This Session saw the speeches of Dr. Uglješa Ugi Zvekić (Ambassador, Head of the Permanent Observer Office of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) to United Nations (Vienna)) and Col. Prof. Metodi Hadji-Janev (Associate Professor of International Law at the “General Mihailo Apostolski” Military Academy of Skopje, unit of the University “Goce Delčev” of Štip).
Lastly, the third session of the Conference (Police and Judicial Cooperation, h. 4:45), chaired by Dr. Lorenzo Salazar (Deputy Public Prosecutor at the District Court of Appeal of Naples, Vice Chair of the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions (WBT)) and introduced by Prof. Gaspare Dalia (Lecturer of Comparative Criminal Procedural Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno), was animated by the speeches of Dr. Fulvio Baldi (Deputy General Prosecutor of the Republic at the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, International Affairs Office) and Dr. Nikola Šaranović (Former Director General for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro).
The Conference was closed by the presentation of the research carried out by the members of the 2nd edition’s Secretariat and by the discussion of the best papers written by the participants in the Course.
The Conference was also be attended by professors of Albanian and Macedonian universities, as well as representatives of associations, respectively as partners and supporters of the Module.

We are delighted to inform you that the programme of the third edition of the Jean Monnet Module ‘EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs’ (EUWEB) is under completion, with some news too!
We are launching the program in January 2022 and it will also be the occasion to open registrations for the new edition through the usual form available on our official website:
So, stay tuned and have our best season’s greetings! #EU #WesternBalkans #Greetings
La lotta alla corruzione nella legalità reticolare. Il sistema penale multilivello
We’d like to introduce EUWEB’s latest publication ‘La lotta alla corruzione nella legalità reticolare. Il sistema penale multilivello’ (Fight against Corruption within Reticular Legality. The Multilevel Criminal System), a scientific work ensuing from the Conference of 8 May 2020, edited by Prof. Teresa Russo, EUWEB Leader, and Prof. Anna Oriolo, EUWEB Key Teacher, with the purpose of framing the current multilevel, indeed ‘reticular’, criminal system and tackling the corruption phenomenon.
With the contributions of: Sebastiano Barbato (Italian Guardia di Finanza), Giuseppe Fauceglia (University of Salerno), Luigi Foffani (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Anna Oriolo (University of Salerno), Massimo Panebianco (University of Salerno), Nicoletta Parisi (University ‘Cattolica del Sacro Cuore’), Teresa Russo (University of Salerno), Antonino Sessa (University of Salerno), Filippo Spiezia (Eurojust), Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation).
We are delighted to include the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade (Serbia) among our partners thanks to the joint efforts of Prof. Teresa Russo, EUWEB Leader, and Prof. Ivana Bodrožić, representative of the partner institution.
Appreciating its valuable contribution in the past, we are looking forward to working with this new partner in the future!
International Days. Conference on the Future of Europe – 24 November 2021
EUWEB’s Leader Prof. Teresa Russo is thankful for the privilege of being invited to the “Jornadas internacionales. La Conferencia sobre el futuro de Europa” (International Days. Conference on the Future of Europe).
The first day of the international conference took place on 24 November 2021 within the activities of the Jean Monnet Chair “Reforzar los valores de la UE. El papel de la ciudadanía activa” (Strengthening EU Values. The Role of Active Citizenship) with Professor Elena Crespo Navarro as Scientific Coordinator, at the University “Miguel Hernández” of Elche, Spain.
Prof. Russo’s lecture, entitled “Las ‘nuevas’ fronteras de la acción exterior de la UE en los Balcanes occidentales” (The “New” Borders of EU’s External Action in Western Balkans) developed the ambivalence and the connection between external action and EU enlargement, specifically referring to the migration issues of candidates States, as well as of the EU Member States themselves.
This is only the beginning of a fruitful cooperation for the future. #JeanMonnet #Europe #EU #future
EUWEB 3rd edition’s Secretariat – Selections now open
We are very pleased to announce the open selections to be members of the EUWEB Module 3rd edition’s Secretariat.
The Secretariat supports and participates in all the activities of the Module, acquiring skills in the scientific and research fields.
There are also many other opportunities to improve your knowledge.
Are you interested?
Submit your application at and remember to attach your CV within 29 November 2021 at 12 p.m.
What are you waiting for?
Archibald Reiss Days – 9 November 2021
On this day, 9 November 2021, EUWEB’s Leader – Prof. Teresa Russo – had the honor to take part in the prestigious XI International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, convened by the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade, Serbia.
With a presentation titled “Main Features of EU-Western Balkans Cooperation in the Light of the Scientific Research of Jean Monnet Module EUWEB”, Prof. Russo depicted how the EU policy towards the Western Balkans has gone far beyond enlargement policy, with some critical issue emerging from the researches carried out by the Module.
The Conference was not only a relevant and attention-worthy scientific event, but also a step further to seal the partnership between EUWEB and the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies of Belgrade, whose representatives proved a valuable addition to our training activities. #EUWEB #UCIP #Belgrade #Serbia #ArchibaldReiss #WesternBalkans
EU-WB summit adopts Brdo Declaration – 6 October 2021
2nd edition’s Final Conference – 23 June 2021
Final Conference of the Jean Monnet Module EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs (EUWEB), 2nd Edition
On Wednesday 23 June 2021 at 2:45 PM on the platform “Microsoft Teams”, the Final Conference of the 2nd of the Jean Monnet Module “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs” (EUWEB) took place. EUWEB Module is a Specialized High Training Course coordinated by Prof. Teresa Russo (Module Leader), together with the Proff. Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia (Key Teaching Members).
The event ended the cycle of training courses carried out weekly from March to June 2021, on the topics of immigration, asylum, border control, fight against transnational crime, police and judicial cooperation as well as the protection of fundamental rights with a view to the future accession of the Western Balkans to the Union. The 2nd edition included specific insights concerning the impact of the current health emergency, as well as information and communication technologies.
The Final Conference, structured in three sessions that reflect the thematic and research areas of the Course, started with the welcoming speeches of the Rector of the University of Salerno, Prof. Vincenzo Loia, and of Profs. Giovanni Sciancalepore (Head of Department of Legal Sciences), Francesco Fasolino (President of the Didactic Council of the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno) and Angela Di Stasi (Full Professor of International and EU Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno, Director of the Observatory on the “European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice”).
The first session (Cross-border security, Migration and Asylum Management, h. 3:45) was chaired by Professor Lina Panella (Full Professor of International Law, Department of Law, University of Messina) and introduced by Professor Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of European Union Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno). The session was enriched by the reflections of Dr. Cristina Correale (Judge at the Department of Migration and Asylum Law of the Tribunal of Naples, European Asylum Support Office (EASO) Judicial Trainer) and Prof. Christopher Hein (Lecturer of Immigration & Asylum Law and Policies, Department of Political Sciences and School of Government, University “LUISS Guido Carli” of Rome).
Then, the second session (Fight Against Transnational Crime and Protection of Fundamental Rights, h. 3:55) was chaired by Prof. Luigi Daniele (Full Professor of EU Law, Faculty of Law, University “Tor Vergata” of Rome) and introduced by Prof. Anna Oriolo (Associate Professor of International Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno). This Session saw the speeches of Dr. Uglješa Ugi Zvekić (Ambassador, Head of the Permanent Observer Office of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) to United Nations (Vienna)) and Col. Prof. Metodi Hadji-Janev (Associate Professor of International Law at the “General Mihailo Apostolski” Military Academy of Skopje, unit of the University “Goce Delčev” of Štip).
Lastly, the third session of the Conference (Police and Judicial Cooperation, h. 4:45), chaired by Dr. Lorenzo Salazar (Deputy Public Prosecutor at the District Court of Appeal of Naples, Vice Chair of the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions (WBT)) and introduced by Prof. Gaspare Dalia (Lecturer of Comparative Criminal Procedural Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno), was animated by the speeches of Dr. Fulvio Baldi (Deputy General Prosecutor of the Republic at the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, International Affairs Office) and Dr. Nikola Šaranović (Former Director General for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro).
The Conference was closed by the presentation of the research carried out by the members of the 2nd edition’s Secretariat and by the discussion of the best papers written by the participants in the Course.
The Conference was also be attended by professors of Albanian and Macedonian universities, as well as representatives of associations, respectively as partners and supporters of the Module.
Judicial Cooperation in the Fight Against Transnational Crime: EPPO, EUROJUST and OLAF – 11 June 2021
On Friday 11 June 2021, starting at 2.30 pm, the last Lecture of the 2nd edition of the Jean Monnet Module EUWEB took place on the “Microsoft Teams” platform, dedicated to the Judicial Cooperation in the Fight Against Transnational Crime: EPPO, EUROJUST and OLAF. The Lecture started with the introductory speech by Profs. Anna Oriolo, Teresa Russo and Gaspare Dalia (Cross-Border Judicial Cooperation in the Digital age: An Overview). Then, it was followed by the speeches of Dr. Danilo Ceccarelli (The European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Structure, Mandate and a Focus on the Cross-Border Investigations), Dr. Vincenzo Picciotti (The European Delegated Prosecutor and the Italian Legal System: Closed vs. Open Issues), Prof. Dragana Čvorović (Strengthening the Capacities of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Process of Serbia’s Accession to the EU), Dr. Aldo Ingangi (EUROJUST: Tasks, Competence and Operational Functions in Cross-Border Crimes), of Lt. Col. Antonio Gallo (OLAF’s role in Investigations, Coordination and Cooperation in the Fight Against EU Budget Fraud) and Prof. Pasquale Pistone (The Fight Against Transnational Crime in Tax Matters: the Joint Audits). The final debate concluded the activities.
Law, Cultural Studies and the “Burqa Ban” Trend: An Interdisciplinary Handbook
EUWEB is delighted to announce the publication of Law, Cultural Studies and the “Burqa Ban” Trend: An Interdisciplinary Handbook, edited by Anna Oriolo, Professor of International Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno (EUWEB Key Teacher) & Anja Matwijkiw, Professor of Professional Ethics & Human Rights, Department of Philosophy, Indiana University Northwest (USA).
This Book is inserted among the outputs stemming from EUWEB Module’s efforts to study and understand the protection of fundamental rights in Europe, thanks also to the contributions of the EUWEB Staff, Prof. Teresa Russo (EUWEB Module’s Leader), Profs. Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia (EUWEB Key Teachers), with Stefano Busillo and Emanuele Vannata (EUWEB Legal Observatory Senior Members) as editorial assistants.
In particular, the volume offers an in-depth account of the “burqa ban” trend, displaying both originality and an interdisciplinary approach. It allows to encompass, in the very same work, law, ethics, gender studies, philosophy, political science and religion and it was deliberately chosen to prompt people to “think outside the box”.
The handbook features authors who are prominent voices, and, in most instances, are both nationally and internationally recognized on the basis of the pioneering paths they have followed in their individual or collective research.
With contributions by Sarah Ali (Women in Dialogue), Erik Daniel Baldwin (Indiana University Northwest), Kerstin Bree Carlson (Roskilde University), Fatiha Chakir (Il mondo a colori), Giuseppe D’Angelo (University of Salerno), Bice Della Piana (University of Salerno), Gaspare Dalia (University of Salerno), Rt Hon Lady Hale DBE (formerly Supreme Court of the United Kingdom), Shino Ibold (University of Hamburg), Nina Jakku (Lund University), Ryan Long (Thomas Jefferson University), Willie Mack (Veterans Assistance Commission of Cook County), Kamal Makili-Aliyev (Malmö University), Jill Marshall (University of London), Anja Matwijkiw (Indiana University Northwest), Bronik Matwijkiw (Southeast Missouri State University), Stefan Oeter (University of Hamburg), Anna Oriolo (University of Salerno), Sherene H. Razack (University of California at Los Angeles), Teresa Russo (University of Salerno), Robin May Schott (Danish Institute for International Studies) and Jacob Livingston Slosser (University of Copenhagen).
Find out more at