On Thursday 28 July 2022 at 9:15 in Hall 2, Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Salerno (DSG UniSa), and on the platform ‘Microsoft Teams’ it will be held the Final Ceremony of the Advanced Specialization Course, Jean Monnet Module ‘EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs’ (EUWEB).
The event will be carried out in full respect of the current sanitary provisions, with the responsible persons for safety protocols and anti-Covid procedures being Profs. Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia.
The event will address the discussion of final papers selected by the Teaching Staff and the presentation of awards and certificates. It will be introduced by the opening remarks (h. 10:00 AM) of Profs. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of International Law, DSG, UniSa, EUWEB Leader), Anna Oriolo (Associate Professor of International Law, DSG, UniSa, EUWEB Key Teacher) and Gaspare Dalia (Lecturer of Comparative Criminal Procedural Law, DSG, UniSa EUWEB Key Teacher).
Subsequently, the conference will see the Discussion Session of Selected Papers (h. 10.30 AM), with the presentations of students enrolled in the High Formation Course: Romano Carabotta (The Crisis of the Schengen Area, Rethinking the Deal “Whatever It Takes”), Annamaria Nadia Dhaim (Cyber Criminality: Current Challenges of XXI Century), Fatima Lettieri (Cross Border Crimes and Rule of Law in EU: The New Strategy to Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime), Artela Roshi (Policies and Legislation Combatting Human Trafficking in Post-Communist Albania) and Emanuele Sorgente (Cross-Border Horizons: Between Drug Trafficking and Seizing. The Economic Dimension of Transnational Crimes in EU).
The event will be closed by the bestowing of awards and certificates (h. 11:30 AM).

Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession (EUVALWEB) – 2023-25
After three years of the Jean Monnet Module “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs” (EUWEB), we felt like something more could and had to happen… and so it did!
Today, it’s with great pleasure and a bit of thrill that we announce that the European Commission selected to co-financing the Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession” (EUVALWEB), under the guide of prof. Teresa Russo as Chair holder.
The Chair is set to focus on the evolution of EU Enlargement policy and its implications in the construction of EU identity, based on its core values (article 2 TEU), as well as on the EU strategy toward the Western Balkans.
Therefore, EUVALWEB serves the purpose of building up awareness, expertise and competency in those who will attend its courses, skills that are critical in the current stage of EU integration process for the erection of a wide community of law based on the respect for democracy and human rights in particular. The more than 90 hours of yearly activities will include group lectures, seminars, training and tutorials, including in a distance format.
The three-years Jean Monnet Chair EUVALWEB is starting from March 2023 and we encourage you all, EU and Non-EU (Western Balkans above all) Citizens, to attend its courses held both online and in presence at the University of Salerno.
Conference ‘Social Changes in the Global World’ – 1 & 2 September 2022
EUWEB Leader Teresa Russo was part of the Ninth International Scientific Conference “Social Changes in the Global World”, convened by University ‘Goce Delčev’ of Štip, North Macedonia on 1-2 September 2022.
Included among the panelists of 1 September, Prof. Russo shared with the participants a presentation entitled ‘Some insights concerning the rule of law in EU migration policy’, fostering the debate on the yet unresolved issue of migration management.
The event was also an occasion to meet North Macedonian Partners and extend the cooperation network to colleagues of other Western Balkan Countries . Thanking Profs. Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska, Olga Koshevaliska and Elena Maksimova as well as ‘Goce Delčev’ as a whole for their exquisite welcome and hospitality, EUWEB believes that this high profile two-days conference is another pivotal brick in the bridge of cooperation and friendship.
EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives, No. 2 – July 2022
EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives, Issue 2 is out!
This monographic issue, entitled “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs: Systems, Tools and Procedures to Strengthen Security Towards the EU Accession Process” marks the conclusion of Jean Monnet Module EUWEB’s scientific activities.
Introduced by the Preface of Teresa Russo (EUWEB Leader), Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia (EUWEB Key Teaching Staff), the issue features the contributions of:
Maria Eugenia Bartoloni, Marcella Cometti, Elena Crespo Navarro, Sara Dal Monico, Leticia Fontestad Portalés, Kamilla Galicz, Heliona Miço, Massimo Panebianco, Francesco Spera.
As final remarks, Teresa Russo draws some conclusions on the future of EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs in the Western Balkans.
Link to the issue: https://www.euweb.org/euweb-legal-essays-2-2022/
Pictures – 28 July 2022
EUWEB’s Final Ceremony (28 July 2022) was a delightful event, being not only the occasion to bestow a well deserved certificate to the participants of the Module enrolled in our third and conclusive edition, but being also the proving grounds for some of our students, who did an excellent job with their presentations.
An album full of pictures of the Ceremony of that day is now available on EUWEB’s Facebook account, at the link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=euweb.balkans&set=a.810084557069423
EUWEB Leader, Teresa Russo, and the whole EUWEB Staff express their heartfelt thanks for these three wonderful years of Module and wish to remind that EUWEB’s scientific and research activities are to continue in the guise of the efforts of our Legal Observatory, namely in the publication of the journal “EUWEB Legal Essays. Global and International Perspectives” and further scientific events in the future.
Thank you everyone! 🙂
JMM EUWEB’s Final Ceremony – 28 July 2022
On Thursday 28 July 2022 at 9:15 in Hall 2, Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Salerno (DSG UniSa), and on the platform ‘Microsoft Teams’ it will be held the Final Ceremony of the Advanced Specialization Course, Jean Monnet Module ‘EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs’ (EUWEB).
The event will be carried out in full respect of the current sanitary provisions, with the responsible persons for safety protocols and anti-Covid procedures being Profs. Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia.
The event will address the discussion of final papers selected by the Teaching Staff and the presentation of awards and certificates. It will be introduced by the opening remarks (h. 10:00 AM) of Profs. Teresa Russo (Associate Professor of International Law, DSG, UniSa, EUWEB Leader), Anna Oriolo (Associate Professor of International Law, DSG, UniSa, EUWEB Key Teacher) and Gaspare Dalia (Lecturer of Comparative Criminal Procedural Law, DSG, UniSa EUWEB Key Teacher).
Subsequently, the conference will see the Discussion Session of Selected Papers (h. 10.30 AM), with the presentations of students enrolled in the High Formation Course: Romano Carabotta (The Crisis of the Schengen Area, Rethinking the Deal “Whatever It Takes”), Annamaria Nadia Dhaim (Cyber Criminality: Current Challenges of XXI Century), Fatima Lettieri (Cross Border Crimes and Rule of Law in EU: The New Strategy to Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime), Artela Roshi (Policies and Legislation Combatting Human Trafficking in Post-Communist Albania) and Emanuele Sorgente (Cross-Border Horizons: Between Drug Trafficking and Seizing. The Economic Dimension of Transnational Crimes in EU).
The event will be closed by the bestowing of awards and certificates (h. 11:30 AM).
Workshop, Roundtable & Open Forum in Tirana – 14-15 June 2022
EUWEB’s fourth two-days conference, ‘New and Old Trends of Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters’, ended with the activities carried out in the afternoon of 27 May 2022.
For their excellent contribution within the conference, we feel thankful towards our chairs, guests and speakers!
An album full of pictures of the conference day of 27 May 2022 (Afternoon) is now available on EUWEB’s Facebook account, at the link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=euweb.balkans&set=a.767439121333967
A detailed description (EN/IT) of the objectives and, by scrolling down, the content of the speeches brought to your attention during the same day is available at the link: https://www.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Programma-completo-27-MAGGIO-ENG-ITA-DEF.pdf
EUWEB’s fourth two-days conference, scheduled for 26-27 May 2022 concerning ‘New and Old Trends of Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters’, kicked off in the afternoon of 26 May 2022.
We would like to take a moment to praise our chairs, guests and speakers for their invaluable contribution to the event.
An album full of pictures of the conference day of 26 May 2022 is now available on EUWEB’s Facebook account, at the link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=euweb.balkans&set=a.767346674676545
A detailed description (EN/IT) of the objectives and, by scrolling down, the content of the speeches brought to your attention during the same day is available at the link: https://www.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Programma-completo-26-MAGGIO-ENG-ITA-DEF.pdf
We also gathered the texts of the questions asked by the audience to our speakers that day, available at the link: https://www.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/QA-26-May-2022.pdf
#EU #WesternBalkans #EPPO #Cooperation #Justice #Police
New and Old Trends of Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters – 26-27 May 2022