Proff. Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo e Gaspare Dalia, EUWEB Key Staff Members expressed their satisfaction for the success of today training course.
After the opening addresses of the Rector, Prof. Vincenzo Loia, the Director of the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) of University of Salerno, Prof. Giovanni Sciancalepore, and the President of the Didactic Council of the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) of University of Salerno, Prof. Francesco Fasolino, the Key Staff Members introduced the main subject of the event, scheduled in two different sessions concerning, respectively, the newest criminal forms of illegal ‘funding’ in commercial companies and the control over the phenomenon of corruption in domestic and international law.
Specifically, the first session focussed on the rising forms of ‘toxic surety’, both in administrative area (inside the procurements’ system as an investment tool for organized crime) thanks to the contribution of Sebastiano Barbato, Colonel of Salerno Finance Guard, and, in banking sector, thanks to the contribution of Giuseppe Fauceglia, full Professor of Commercial Law at the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) of University of Salerno. Then, Luigi Foffani, full Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Member of the Expert Group on European Criminal Policy of the European Commission critically analysed bribery among private as an “indicative crime”.
The second session has been dedicated to the fight against corruption, outlining the investigative profile and the role of double incrimination in the control of international corruption, thanks to the contribution of Filippo Spiezia, Judge – Member for Italy and Vice-president of EUROJUST, and the role of the diplomacy and international obligations through the reflections of Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini, Public Prosecutor and legal Consultant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The conference has been ended by Massimo Panebianco, Emeritus of International Law at University of Salerno.
The event was open to the participation of students from the Specialization School of Legal Professions and the Master of Commercial Law.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page.
“The Fight against Corruption in the Reticular Legality: The Multilevel Criminal System” within the Module Section EU-Western Balkans Cooperation in Judicial and Police Matters Corruption Crimes and Cooperation between Police and Judicial Authorities at International, European and National Level – 8 May 2020
Proff. Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo e Gaspare Dalia, EUWEB Key Staff Members expressed their satisfaction for the success of today training course.
After the opening addresses of the Rector, Prof. Vincenzo Loia, the Director of the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) of University of Salerno, Prof. Giovanni Sciancalepore, and the President of the Didactic Council of the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) of University of Salerno, Prof. Francesco Fasolino, the Key Staff Members introduced the main subject of the event, scheduled in two different sessions concerning, respectively, the newest criminal forms of illegal ‘funding’ in commercial companies and the control over the phenomenon of corruption in domestic and international law.
Specifically, the first session focussed on the rising forms of ‘toxic surety’, both in administrative area (inside the procurements’ system as an investment tool for organized crime) thanks to the contribution of Sebastiano Barbato, Colonel of Salerno Finance Guard, and, in banking sector, thanks to the contribution of Giuseppe Fauceglia, full Professor of Commercial Law at the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) of University of Salerno. Then, Luigi Foffani, full Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Member of the Expert Group on European Criminal Policy of the European Commission critically analysed bribery among private as an “indicative crime”.
The second session has been dedicated to the fight against corruption, outlining the investigative profile and the role of double incrimination in the control of international corruption, thanks to the contribution of Filippo Spiezia, Judge – Member for Italy and Vice-president of EUROJUST, and the role of the diplomacy and international obligations through the reflections of Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini, Public Prosecutor and legal Consultant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The conference has been ended by Massimo Panebianco, Emeritus of International Law at University of Salerno.
The event was open to the participation of students from the Specialization School of Legal Professions and the Master of Commercial Law.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page.
Exchange of Information, Intelligence Activities and Joint Investigation Teams (JITs): The Role of the Albanian School of Magistrates 30 April 2020
EUWEB Module’s Staff, Proff. Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia, are really delighted to have discussed the issues related to the exchange of information, intelligence activities and Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) with two authoritative speakers: Carmine Pirozzoli, Public Prosecutor and Long Term Expert on organized crime, PAMECA – EU Police Assistance in Albania, and Gianluigi Pratola, Deputy Prosecutor General at the Italian Supreme Court and Midterm Expert of the EURALIUS with coordination functions of the Component relating to the School of Magistrates in Albania.
This training course is part of the “awareness” cultural initiative for Albanian students in collaboration with PAMECA V, EURALIUS V, the Italian Superior School of the Magistracy, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and the Albanian School of Magistrates. In fact, two legal experts participated in the work: Edlira Osmani, National Legal Expert, EURALIUS and Laura Mehmetllari, Responsible of the Initial Training Sector, School of Magistrates of Albania who highlighted the Role of the Albanian School of Magistrates and the contribution of the Italian judges.
The initiative was also organized with the support of the Albanian universities, partners of the EUWEB Module and the event was open to the participation of students and professors from the Albanian University of Tirana, the EPOKA University of Tirana e the University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”.
The lively debate highlighted the critical aspects of the implementation of judicial reform in Albania as well as opportunities for future generations of young Albanian graduates.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page.
Terrorism, Countering Radicalization and Transnational Crimes: Investigation Techniques, Evidence Gathering and the Role of Europol 23 April 2020
During this training course, Teresa Russo, EUWEB Leader and Gaspare Dalia, EUWEB Key Staff Member, addressed the legal issues concerning the strategies and measures adopted by the European Union in the fight against terrorism.
The speeches of Felice Pier Carlo Iovino, Professor of Criminal Procedure and Girolamo Daraio, Professor of Penitentiary Law, both from the Department of Legal Sciences, UNISA, allowed to highlight the evolutionary features of the terrorist phenomenon and the cooperation tools introduced for the evidence gathering in the fight against transnational crimes.
The technical skills of Gianluigi Lancellotta, Commander of the Prison Police at the “A. Caputo” District House in Salerno and Donato Ciardella, Head of the DIGOS Anti-Terrorism Section, Salerno, allowed combining theory with practice. In particular, the latter highlighted the most critical issues of the Balkan route and discussed some investigations carried out along the aforementioned route.
The open debate underlined how prevention is the winning strategy in the fight against terrorism and how the use of information technology is itself a weapon to be used wisely.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page
UE Migration Policies and Human Rights: Borders Control and Protection of Vulnerable People 17 April 2020
After the Speeches of the EUWEB Key Staff Member, Anna Oriolo and the EUWEB Leader Module, Prof. Teresa Russo, today’s training course was concerned with verifying whether the European Union’s migration policies could constitute a crime against humanity and whether the EU measures protect the most vulnerable people.
Valeria Bolici, Former International Prosecutor at the EULEX-Kosovo and International Prosecutor at the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) has developed interesting reflections on the configurability of this type of crime by highlighting the most problematic aspects of the 2019 Submission to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
On the other hand, Elena Melfi, Criminal and Immigration Lawyer, Legal Counsel before the Juvenile Court of Salerno, dealt with the protection of unaccompanied foreign minors by explaining the role, functions and methods of appointment of the tutor.
At the end, the open debate helped to highlight how the belief that the Union’s migration policies have gaps in the protection of migrants in general and of the most vulnerable people in particular is widespread.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page.
Trafficking in Human Beings and Other Crimes related to the Foreigner’s Irregular Status in International, EU and national Law 15 April 2020 – 1st Part
Today’s Course focused on the terrible crime of trafficking in human beings, underlining all its critical issues, such as primarily the configuration of the crime.
The Speeches of the EUWEB Leader Module, Prof. Teresa Russo and the EUWEB Key Staff Member, Anna Oriolo highlighted the multiplicity of international, European and EU sources that helped define the type of crime, as well as how this crime still produces great concern in the Western Balkans Countries.
Then, Francesco Schiaffo, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Law, Department of Legal Sciences (UNISA), addressed the delicate issue of the migrant as a victim and as the author of the crime by questioning some aspects of Italian substantive law, while Prof. Gaspare Dalia, EUWEB Key Staff Member was concerned with the procedural aspects of the proof of crimes.
Finally, Amarilda Lici, Immigration Lawyer, Court of Naples, dealt with the protection tools of the trafficking victim through the analysis of some practical cases which confirmed on one hand the sad reality of trafficking and on the other hand the difficult prosecution of this crime in trials.
The conclusive discussion allowed for a broad debate on the political, economic and social issues behind the trafficking in human beings.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page.
Strategies to Combat Illegal Immigration and the Role of Balkans Countries: Expulsion and Refoulement of Irregular Foreigners 3rd April 2020
Today Lecture gave great emphasis to the EU Strategies against Irregular Migration and the Role of Balkan Countries thanks to the introduction of the EUWEB Leader Module, Professor Teresa Russo.
Then, Rossana Palladino, Ph.D., Senior Researcher and Assistant Professor of EU Law and EU Migration Law, Department of Legal Sciences, Jean Monnet Module Leader “Asylum-Seekers Protection Under Evolution (Pro-Asyl)”, dealt with the EU Return Policy which lays down the detention of migrants, as one of the most critical issues.
Afterwards, Simona Libera Scocozza, Criminal and Immigration Lawyer, Legal Adviser of the Italian Parliament, Fellow Researcher in Comparative Law, Department of Political Sciences and Communication, deeply analyzed the measures adopted by the Italian State in the case of irregular migrants that are divided into two main categories: refoulement and expulsions of irregular foreigners.
The open debate among the participants allowed to underline the most recent interventions on the subject of externalization of borders and of the suspension of expulsion procedures because of the emergency COVID-19.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page.
Asylum and International Protection in the European Union: Recognition Procedures and Reform of the Dublin Regulation – 27 March 2020
The EUWEB Staff is very delighted with the results of today Lecture.
After the introduction of the EUWEB Leader, Professor Teresa Russo, e Professor Anna Oriolo, EUWEB Key Staff Member, on the “Asylum and International Protection in the European Union”, Laura Ferrara, Member of the European Parliament, Vice Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee and Full Member of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee, Rapporteur of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common procedure for international protection in the Union, underlined gaps and deficiencies of the European asylum policy after the umpteenth tragedy occurred in the Mediterranean in 2015, and the decision of the European Commission to present a package of legislative proposals to reform the entire Common European Asylum System (CEAS).
Then, Mauro Tringali, President of the Criminal Chamber of the Vallo della Lucania Court, Former Member of the Special Chamber on Immigration, International Protection, and the Free Movement of EU persons of the Salerno Court investigated the topic of inclusion from a judicial perspective, analyzing the current system for international protection within Italy’s legal order.
The open debate among the participants of the EUWEB Module completed the discussion on the evolution of this overlapping discipline of international, EU and national law.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page.
Definition and Management of European Borders : Migration Flows, Search and Rescue Operations at Sea and Cooperation with Frontex 1st PART 25 March 2020
EUWEB Staff is very delight for the authoritative participation of Pablo Antonio Fernández Sánchez, Professor of Public International Law & International Relations, Faculty of Law, University of Seville (Spain) in the works of the Module.
His Lecture on “The Control of the Immigration in the Maritime Spaces of the EU” received a great appreciation from the EUWEB Module’s participants, because it underlined how the regulation of the migratory control in maritime spaces is based on three overlapping legal frameworks: the law of the sea norms, maritime rescue norms and human rights norms.
Furthermore, the speeches of Teresa Russo, Professor of International Organization and EU Migration Law, Department of Legal Sciences, Leader Module, UNISA and Anna Oriolo, Professor of International Law, Lecturer of EU Law, Key Staff Member, Department of Legal Sciences, UNISA on the “Definition and Management of European Borders and Migration Flows: EU Policies and instruments” explained the historical evolution of EU immigration policy, as well as the EU external border’s checks mechanisms and Agencies in the light of the Integrated Border Management notion.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section Activities/Training course on our home page.
EUWEB Staff started online lectures – 20 March 2020
We are really delight because our first online meeting was a success!
EUWEB Activities and Lecture – 6 March 2020
We are very glad because the activities of March 6, 2020 have been very fruitful!
In a joint commission with Albanian professors, we met Albanian students to check their learning agreements and joint research for the preparation of the degree thesis.
The subsequent meeting of the EUWEB Key Staff Members with Professors Erjon Hitaj of the University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”, Niuton Mulleti of the EPOKA University of Tirana and Ismail Tafani of the Albanian University of Tirana, as partners of the EUWEB Module, led to the elaboration of a new work plan that follows the one prepared at Tirana in the last November.
Finally, the lectures of the Key Staff Members of the Module, Professors Teresa Russo and Anna Oriolo, and Albanian Professors defined the starting framework of the issues that will be addressed in the next lectures.
We concluded our activities with the award of a certificate of recognition to the Albanian Professors for their excellent contribution in the EUWEB Module activities.
For the contents of the lectures, see the section The Module/Didactic Materials on our home page.