A cycle of seminars – convened by EUWEB, in cooperation with the chair of EU Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno (UniSa), Class 1 – is taking place on 26 and 28 April 2022.
Specifically, on Tuesday 26 April 2022, h. 10:30 AM, at Hall no. 5 of the Department of Legal Sciences, UniSa, Prof. Gisella Pignataro (Associate Professor of Comparative Private Law, Department of Legal Sciences, UniSa), will address the students about “Bio-Law and Regulatory Competition in Europe: The Parenthood Challenge”;
whereas, on Thursday 28 April 2022, h. 10:30 AM, at Hall no. 5 of the Department of Legal Sciences, UniSa, Profs. Justyna Ciechanowska and Katarzyna Szwed (Lecturers of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Rzeszów, Poland) will hold a lecture on “Relationship Between Polish and EU law. Remarks on the Basis of the Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 7 October 2021 (K 3/21)”.
The seminars can be also attended online, providing that an e-mail for such purpose is sent at info@euweb.org.
High resolution flyers (.pdf):
26 April 2022 https://www.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/EUWEB-Seminar-Pignataro-26-4-2022.pdf
28 April 2022 https://www.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/EUWEB-Seminar-Ciechanowska-Szwed-28-4-2022.pdf