Entries by Teresa Russo


EU Borders, Migratory Routes and Internal-External Security in the Time of Sanitary Crisis – 19 March 2021

On Friday 19 March 2021, starting at 2.30 pm, on the “Microsoft Teams” platform, as part of the activities of the “EUWEB” Jean Monnet Module, the Conference on “EU Borders, Migratory Routes and Internal–External Security in Times of Health Crisis” took place. After the Introductory Session of the Key Teachers, Profs. Gaspare Dalia and Anna […]


EU Enlargement, Cooperation with the Western Balkans and Redefinition of Schengen Area – 5 march 2021

The panel on EU Enlargement, Cooperation with the Western Balkans and Redefinition of Schengen Area featured an intruction by Profs. Gaspare Dalia e Anna Oriolo as well as relations by Prof. Teresa Russo (EU-Western Balkans Cooperation, Enlargement and Security: Challenges and Perspectives), Prof. Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska (L’allargamento dell’UE nei Balcani occidentali: un’equazione a due incognite/EU […]


Here is the visual flyer of the 2nd Edition’s Inaugural Conference of 3 March 2021! Click below to see it: https://www.euweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/EUWEB_Poster-Inaugural-Conference-3March2021-DEF_compressed.pdf


EUWEB 2nd Edition’s Inaugural conference of 3 March 2021

On Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 2:30 PM on the platform “Microsoft Teams”, the inaugural conference of the Second edition of the Jean Monnet Module “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs” (EUWEB) took place. EUWEB is an Advanced Specialization Course coordinated by the Profs. Teresa Russo (Module Leader), Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia […]

F.A.Q. now available!

Do you wish to know about EUWEB in an easy and quick way? The Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) of our course have been published on this very site, in both English and Italian! Follow this LINK or check them out by going to Home Page/The Module and select “FAQ” from the drop-down menu.

Secretariat’s selections are now open

We are very glad to announce the open selections to be a member of the EUWEB 2nd edition’s Secretariat. The Secretariat supports and takes part in all Module activities, granting expertise in research and scientific fields skills. Also, it offers many other opportunities to improve your knowledge. Are you interested? Submit your application to the […]

Meet ASGI, EUWEB’s new supporter

We are delighted to announce the agreement reached between EUWEB and ASGI – Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici e sull’Immigrazione, which will support our activities. ASGI is membership-based association focusing on all legal aspects of immigration. As a pool of lawyers, academics, consultants and civil society representatives, ASGI’s expertise relates to various areas of immigration […]