On Friday 28 May 2021, starting at 2.30 pm, on the “Microsoft Teams” platform, another Lecture of the Jean Monnet EUWEB Module took place, dedicated to Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering: Judicial Cooperation and Joint Investigation Teams (JITs). The Lecture opened with an introduction session (Judicial Cooperation Tools, hrs. 3 pm) by Profs. Gaspare Dalia, Teresa Russo, and Anna Oriolo (Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering at International, EU and National Level), by Dr. Michele Fini (Extradition Procedures in the Relationships with the Western Balkans: Regulatory Framework and Practical Application). Then, the first session (Join Investigation Teams, hrs. 3.50 pm) was animated by the speeches of Prof. Rosa Maria Geraci (The Joint Investigative Teams: Theoretical Framework), by Dr. Carmine Pirozzoli (The Joint Investigation Teams: Practical Aspects), and the second session (Fighting Corruption and Money Laundering, hrs. 4.40) that will include the speeches of Dr. Antonio Cantarella (Relationships Between Self-Laundering, Mafia-Type Association and Aggravating Circumstance of Money Laundering) and Prof. Marco Naddeo (Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering: Criminal Networks and Prevention Models in comparison). The final debate concluded the work.
On Thursday 13 May 2021, starting at 2.30 pm, on the “Microsoft Teams” platform, another Lecture of the Jean Monnet EUWEB Module took place, dedicated to Promotion and Protection of the Rule of Law in the Accending States and EU Member States. The Lecture started with the introduction by Profs Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo and Gaspare Dalia (Critical Remarks About the Rule of Law as Value (Almost) Acquired). Then, it was followed by the speeches of Prof. Nicoletta Parisi (Rule of Law and European Union’s External Action), of Prof. Niuton Mulleti (EU Civilian CSDP Missions and the Consolidation of the Rule of Law in the Western Balkans), of Prof. Erjon Hitaj (The Role of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers & Specialist Prosecutor’s Office in the Stability of the Western Balkans), of Prof. Jasmina Dimitrieva (The EU Support Modalities for Upholding Electoral Integrity in the Western Balkans), of Prof. Marina Matić Bošković (Promotion of Standards on Independence of Judiciary in the Western Balkans and EU Member States) and Dr. Simonida Kacarska (Europeanisation of (North) Macedonia. What Role for Fundamental Rights?). The work ended with the final debate.
9 May – Europe Day, marking the anniversary of the historic ‘Schuman declaration’ of 1950, every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe.
EUWEB believes in these same values and goals, promoting them with students, academics, practitioners and civil servants in all its activities.
Happy Europe Day to you all!
On Thursday 6 May 2021, starting at 2.30 pm, the Lecture of the Jean Monnet EUWEB Module concerning Criminal Judicial Cooperation in the Digital Age: IT Security, Prevention and Repression Mechanisms and Protection of Procedural Rights took place on the “Microsoft Teams” platform. The Lecture started with the remarks of Prof. Teresa Russo and the introduction of Profs. Gaspare Dalia and Anna Oriolo (Current Trends of the Judicial Cooperation and Procedural Rights: The Protection of the Ne Bis In Idem Principle) which were followed by the speeches of the Judge and Prof. Antonio Balsamo (The New Perspectives of International Judicial Cooperation in the Digital Age: Electronic Surveillance and Protection of Fundamental Rights), of Prof. Donatella Curtotti (Hi-Tech Investigations, Cyber Space, Evidence Exchanges Between States and Internet Provider Services: A Regulation That Isn’t There (Yet)), of Prof. Ivan Illic (The Approach of the Western Balkans Courts to the Ne Bis In Idem Principle), of Prof. Ismail Tafani (The Albanian Judicial Cooperation with the EU as a Tool for Guaranteeing Human Rights and Achieving a Functioning Democracy), and by Prof. Jelena Kostic (Economic Crime and Criminal Law Cooperation in the Digital Age: Challenges and Recommendations). The works were closed by the final debate.

EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives
Registration no. 5 at the Court of Nocera Inferiore, 23 March 2022
ISSN: 2785-5228
Publisher: Editoriale Scientifica
Via San Biagio dei Librai 39 – Naples