On Friday 19 March 2021, starting at 2.30 pm, on the “Microsoft Teams” platform, as part of the activities of the “EUWEB” Jean Monnet Module, the Conference on “EU Borders, Migratory Routes and Internal–External Security in Times of Health Crisis” took place. After the Introductory Session of the Key Teachers, Profs. Gaspare Dalia and Anna Oriolo, and of the Module Leader, Prof. Teresa Russo, (Some Critical Issues on Pandemic Crisis Management and Security Needs in International and EU Law) two separate sessions followed. The first session (EU Borders, Migration Routes and Security, hrs. 3.30 p.m.) was animated by the speeches of Prof. Cosimo Risi (The Southern Border of the European Union), Dr. Oliviero Forti (The ETM Mechanism in the Framework of the Borders Externalization Process), and Prof. Stefano Montaldo (The Internal Borders of the Schengen Area in Times of Pandemic. From an (Alleged) Existential Crisis to a Brighter Future?). The second session (Sanitary Crisis, Health and Security, hrs. 5:00 p.m.) saw the speeches of Dr. Luigi Migliorini and Santino Severoni (WHO’s Reading on the Characteristics of the Current Pandemic and the Impact on the Migrants’ Health at Global Level), Prof. Enkeileint Mechili (Is the Health Status of Refugees/Migrants Deteriorating during the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Continuous Crisis) and Prof. Olga Koshevaliska (The Impact of COVID-19 on North Macedonia Policy for Migration and Asylum. The Story Behind the Scenes). After the open debate, the conference was closed by the reflections of Prof. Massimo Panebianco.


We are so grateful to the President of the European Parliament, Davide Sassoli, for his encouraging message at such a difficult time for everyone. He motivated us to do more and better!


On Friday 12 March 2021, starting at 2.30 pm, on the “Microsoft Teams” platform, the third training course of the Jean Monnet EUWEB Module dedicated to the New European Pact on Immigration and Asylum and the reform of the Dublin Regulation took place. The Lecture was opened by the introduction of Profs. Gaspare Dalia and Anna Oriolo and was followed by the speeches of Prof. Teresa Russo (Current Challenges of EU Immigration Policy: Are There Any Answers in the Pact?), of Dr. Laura Ferrara (The European Pact on Migration and Asylum: A New Opportunity to deadlock the Management of Migratory Flows?) and of Prof. Francesco Cherubini (Solidarity Mechanisms Within the CEAS: Unfair Past, Conflicting Present, Uncertain Future). Later, Dr. Zaneta Poposka (Right to Asylum in the Western Balkans: A Comparative Analysis of National Rules) and Dr. Mersiha Smailovikj (Access to Asylum along the Balkan Route: A Practice-Based Approach) addressed the analysis of the right of asylum in the Western Balkans countries. The final debate concluded the works of the course.

We’d like to thank our guest speakers of today’s lecture, which concerned The New Pact on Migration and Asylum and the Reform of the Dublin Regulation. We very much appreciated their relations!

On Tuesday 9 March 2021, starting at 2.30 pm, the second training course of the Jean Monnet EUWEB Module, dedicated to Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations at Sea and Cooperation with Frontex, took place on the ‘Microsoft Teams’ platform. The lecture started off with an introductory relation by Prof. Teresa Russo (Some Critical Issues on Border Management and the Protection of Human Lifes at Sea), by Livio Scirocco (Search and Rescue Activities for Human Life at Sea. Technical-Legal References), by Prof. Ida Caracciolo (The Concept of Place of Safety in SAR Preparations: Interpretative Doubts and Application Conflicts), and by Alessandro Gamberini (NGOs Between Relief Duties and Forms of Criminalisation). In conclusion, Prof. Francesco Buonomenna held a scheduled speech (Brief reflections on SAR operations) which was followed by the final open debate.

In the light of the engaging contributions brought to our attention at today’s lecture (Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations at Sea and Cooperation with Frontex), we’d like to express our gratitude towards our eminent guests.


The panel on EU Enlargement, Cooperation with the Western Balkans and Redefinition of Schengen Area featured an intruction by Profs. Gaspare Dalia e Anna Oriolo as well as relations by Prof. Teresa Russo (EU-Western Balkans Cooperation, Enlargement and Security: Challenges and Perspectives), Prof. Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska (L’allargamento dell’UE nei Balcani occidentali: un’equazione a due incognite/EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans: An Equation with Two Unknowns), Prof. Valentina Ranaldi (Gli accordi sullo status tra l’Unione europea e i Paesi dei Balcani occidentali per le azioni dell’Agenzia europea della guardia di frontiera e costiera/The Status Agreements Between the European Union and the Western Balkans Countries on Actions Carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency) and Anna Brambilla (L’attuale situazione dell’Area Schengen ed il rispetto dei diritti umani nei controlli alla frontiera terrestre/The State of Play of the Schengen Area and the Respect of Human Rights in Land Border Control).

We feel thankful towards our speakers for their excellent contribution in the discussion concerning the EU enlargement linked to the cooperation with the Western Balkans and the redefinition of Schengen area!