We are dismayed and devastated at the news of the earthquake that struck Croatia yesterday.
The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, stated that the EU is ready to “stand with Croatia”.
The EUWEB Team expresses its condolences and solidarity to the Croatian people in these dramatic moments.
We are really pleased to announce that the Draft Program of the 2nd Edition of the EUWEB JMM Module is available, here, on this website, in both English and Italian.
Registrations are now open!
For any further information, feel free to contact us at info@euweb.org.
The Human Rights Day yearly commemorates the adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Such date represents an unquestionable milestone in fundamental rights and freedoms to which all of us are entitled.
The EUWEB Module does support human rights’ respect.

EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives
Registration no. 5 at the Court of Nocera Inferiore, 23 March 2022
ISSN: 2785-5228
Publisher: Editoriale Scientifica
Via San Biagio dei Librai 39 – Naples